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Cathy started her journey with Reiki when she was 11 years old and has been a certified Reiki Master/Teacher since 2006.  In 2018, she completed the Divine Mother Healer training at the Heartmind Healer School in Rhinebeck, NY.  


Cathy offers energy healing sessions to promote one's love, compassion and nourishment.


You can generally find Cathy doing one of her favorite things: farming, playing with plants, singing, hula hooping, laughing, hiking, loving her children, or sharing hugs. 

She lives in the Chatham, NY area with

her 3 children, cats and goats. 

For more information or to book a session:

She can be reached at

(518) 577-2959 (text or call)


Reiki is an ancient energy form that reconnects us to  the well of universal life energy that is always there for us. A healing session can be done by laying hands on or off the body, or through a distance healing session. 

Divine Mother Healing

The Divine Mother Healing modality was developed by Annie Bond in 2014.  A Divine Mother healing session uses the trinity activations of the Divine Mother, Divine Father and the Divine Child in each chakra point to realign you spiritually and energetically to your highest self. The Divine Mother is a connection to your infinite soul, your true being-- full of love and embrace.

Energy Healing Sessions


1 hour Session- $60

1 1/2 hour Session- $90

2 hour Session- $120


Thursday evenings 5-9pm

(or contact for further availability

during other times)

Distance healing is also available 

What to Expect during a Session

A typical healing session with Cathy starts with a check-in asking if you are willing to receive an energy healing. And if there is a focus or goal for your treatment. It is okay if you want

to be the keeper of the intention, if it is deeply personal.


Cathy uses her gifts of clairsentience and clairvoyance while working with spirit guides, plants and masters to provide you a healing in your highest good. During a session, you may feel light laying of hands, gentle touches (if there are energy blocks or to move energy) and sound. If you are uncomfortable with direct touch, off the body work is also used. After the session, we do another check in/out. 






Benefits of an Energy Healing

Energy healings can provide so much relief from stress, as well as pain- both physical and mental. They can bring about a calming and relaxing feeling that leaves one feeling rejuvenated.  Treatments can help in someone's spiritual life to help them fill their well and to help see life in a new light.


Energy healing can be used in conjunction with other medical treatments without any harm or contraindications.


Kiss the Wolf Healing

Cathy Fisch

(518) 577-2959- text or call friendly


kiss the wolf_edited.jpg

"Taconic Place" Building

1 Taconic Place

(one building south of Price Chopper on Rte 66, large sign by road)

Chatham, Columbia County,

NY  12037


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