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“A compassionate heart, a responsive mind, acts of healing – are not born of noise and restlessness but of stillness.”     Thomas Merton

 Gina Qualliotine

Gina is a mother of two, daughter, sister, wife, friend and member of many human circles and circles of wider being, and places these roles on a par in terms of importance with anything else that she does.

She loves gardening, cooking, dancing, love-making, qigong, reiki, yoga, astronomy, astrology, compassionate communication (NVC), meditation, and especially enjoys forgetting which activity is for pleasure, which for work, which for learning, which for conscious evolution and which contributes to the well-being of the whole.

She is, and always has been, deeply interested in restoring the qualities of the feminine principle to a place of honor and power within herself and within the larger culture.

She has had a keen focus on exploring body-based practices for the evolution of consciousness. She has done this as a yoga teacher, yoga therapist, dedicated qigong student, reiki healer, practitioner of mindfulness and somatic meditation, sexual tantra and using dancing as an awareness practice.

What is Reiki?


Reiki is formed from two Japanese words rei and ki meaning universal intelligence (rei) energy (ki). The term is used to describe a system of natural healing that uses the laying on of hands. This healing tradition was founded in Japan by Dr. Makao Usui in the early 20th century.


To link to a detailed article about Reiki

Reiki Sessions Prices


Introductory Session:

          Ninety minutes          50 dollars

Thirty Minute Session         40 dollars

Hour Session                        60 dollars

Ninety Minutes                    90 dollars


Multiple session discounts available


I am open to working with a sliding scale, trades, bartering

and other creative financial possibilities.

Benefits of Reiki


As a holistic technique, oriented to the whole person; mind, body and soul, it can effect changes on all levels


Promotes stress reduction, relaxation and detoxification, all of which enhance immunity and many other biological functions


Is an excellent adjunct therapy that can work in conjunction with and enhance the efficacy of other medical and therapeutic techniques


Can relieve pain, promote and speed recovery from surgery or illness


Encourages emotional release and can enhance feelings of peace, security and wellbeing


Promotes personal awareness and shifts of consciousness and can result in the spontaneous arising of meditative states

Contact Information for Gina:
phone:  (518) 391 5611  (text friendly)

“Happiness cannot be found through great effort and willpower, but is already present in open relaxation and letting go.”   Ven Lama Gendun Rinpoche

"Taconic Place" Building

1 Taconic Place

(one building south of Price Chopper on Rte 66, large sign by road)

Chatham, Columbia County,

NY  12037


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